Angola Wesleyan Church


Glorifying God as we reach out to others...

  The History of Angola Wesleyan

photo of the church building

The first meeting of the Angola Wesleyan Methodist Church was a Bible study held in the home of Mr.& Mrs. Francis Shields, Bennett Rd. Angola, New York on November 29, 1962. A total of 7 were in attendance, they were: Rev. & Mrs. Richard G. Kaylor, Mr. & Mrs. Francis Shields, Mr. Harry Lehmann, Mrs. Hazel Crowell and Mrs. Codner.

Just 4 months later on March 24, 1963, the first Sunday school and morning worship service was held in the Lake Erie Beach Fire Hall on Old Lake Shore Road, Angola, New York. There were 59 present in Sunday school and 67 present in the morning worship service.

In June of 1963 the church was given a gift of a 3 acre plot of land on Herr Rd. by the Evans Land Corporation. The board of directors were: Mr. William Stevenson, Mr. Richard Stevenson, Mrs. Hattie E. Schwert, Miss Catherine L. Smith, Mrs. Florence Stevenson, Mrs. Abbie L.Harper and Mrs. Hilda L. Hurst. The definite leading of God in this matter of the building site was revealed shortly after by the announcement of a 150 home sub-division to be constructed immediately across from the church.

On Sunday, September 22, 1963 the building site was dedicated. At that time it was announced by the Rev. C. Wesley Lovin, Executive Secretary of the Department of Church Extension and Evangelism of the Wesleyan Methodist Church that the church would be the recipient of the Woman's Missionary Society's Self-Denial Offering in the spring of 1964. This offering amounted to $12,279.00. Once again the hand of God was very evident in that it was one of the highest offerings ever taken. Also this was the first time the Lockport Conference ever received this offering in over 102 years of their existence.

One year and five days later, on September 27, 1964 ground was broken for the new building. The Rev. Daniel A. Heinz, President of the Lockport Conference, and Mr. Paul Bossert, Chairman of the local building committee, turned over the first two shovel-fulls of earth in a pouring rain. Mr. Lawrence F. Olson, South Dayton, NY, our contractor, began construction in October of 1964. The building was completed in April, 1965 at a cost of $29,896.23.

Easter Sunday, April 18, 1965 marked the first services in the building. The day began with a Sunrise Service and breakfast which was attended by 50 people. Sunday School convened with 62 present and the morning worship service had 135 in attendance. The day concluded with an evening service which was attended by 50 people.

Many hard hours of labor were put into the construction of the building as well as much work in reaching out into the community to influence families for Christ.

We must conclude by giving to God, and Him alone, all of the glory and praise, for without Him nothing that has been done could have been done.

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving
and into His courts with praise."

Psalm 100:4